Welcome to ESU's Physics Department!
The Physics department offers baccalaureate degree programs in Physics, Earth and Space Science, and Secondary Education. These programs are designed to prepare students for post-graduate study and/or careers in teaching and engineering, as well as careers in other fields that require knowledge of physics and/or earth and space science.
Two baccalaureate degree programs are offered (click on "Undergraduate Programs" to your left for information on each program):
- A Bachelor of Science with a Physics major is designed for students who seek a strong background in physics. Students
can choose between six concentrations:
- The Research concentration provides the foundation for graduate studies in physics.
- The Industrial Physics concentration prepares students for careers in industry that require a strong background in physics. The first three years of the industrial physics concentration mirrors the first three years of the Engineering Transfer concentration.
- The Earth and Space Science concentration provides a strong base for future study in one or more of the Earth and Space Sciences (i.e., Astronomy, Geology, Meteorology and Oceanography).
The Secondary Education concentration provides a background in secondary science education. Additional coursework and other requirements (like an overall GPA) is required to be eligible for grade 7-12 teacher certification in Pennsylvania in physics.
- The Engineering Transfer concentration prepares students to transfer to an ABET-accredited engineering school. At the completion of the degree there, students may be eligible for the ESU degree (contingent upon certain requirements; engineering technology degrees are excluded). In addition, under our agreement with Penn State University, students in certain programs who meet additional requirements are guaranteed acceptance to Penn State University after three years at ESU. See the Engineering FAQ page for more information.
- The Physics and Business concentration prepares graduates for positions that require the technical knowledge to understand the technical aspects of a company's products, an ability to solve technical problems associated with that product, and a familiarity with business concepts like cost benefit analysis to support the financial interests of the company.
- A Bachelor of Arts with a General Science major is designed for students who seek a broad background in all four areas of science
(biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics). Students can choose between
two concentrations.
- The General concentration provides a broad background in science along with a few courses that examine areas of interest to the student. Typically, this concentration is chosen in coordination with a major in a related field.
- The Secondary Education concentration mirrors the general concentration but also includes seven additional courses in education. A graduate of this program will be eligible for Pennsylvania teacher certification in general science for grades 7-12 (dependent on grade point average and qualifying score on teacher examination). Typically, teachers with this certification teach grades 7-9 (either general science, life science, physical science or earth science).
Graduate Programs
The physics department also has graduate courses in General Science (in cooperation with chemistry), which was designed for those who have already completed their undergraduate careers and want to further their studies of chemistry and/or physics.
If you are already certified and teaching and want to take graduate courses in education, you should contact the Secondary Education program, administered through the Department of Professional and Secondary Education.
If you are already have an undergraduate degree and are looking to obtain teaching certification, you should check out the Intern Teaching program administered by the Department of Professional and Secondary Education.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Gessner Science Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3341
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3505 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair Physics
- Name
- Robert Cohen
- E:
- rcohen@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3428