Through the hundreds of scholarship opportunities at ESU and the ESU Foundation, students who otherwise would not be able to attend ESU are able to do so through the generous financial support of those who strongly believe in the merits of higher education.

The selection criteria for the awards vary significantly. Among the factors which may impact a student's eligibility are: major course of study, grade point average, SAT scores, class rank, athletic prowess, recommendations of professors and teachers, and in some cases, geographic area.

Merit Scholarships

East Stroudsburg University offers a variety of different Merit Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to full tuition including the following: International Merit Based Scholarships, and the Band Audition Scholarship.

  • PA Residents - Awards range from $1,000 - Full Tuition
    • Renewal Requirements - You can earn this scholarship every year by earning 30 credits per academic year with a qualifying GPA. Student may receive for a total of 8 consecutive fall/spring semesters (4 academic years).
  • Contiguous States - Awards range from $2,000 - Full Tuition
    • Renewal Requirements - You can earn this scholarship every year by earning 30 credits per academic year with a qualifying GPA. Student may receive for a total of 8 consecutive fall/spring semesters (4 academic years).
  • Out of State Residents - Awards range from $2,000 - $11,574
    • Renewal Requirements - You can earn this scholarship every year by earning 30 credits per academic year with a qualifying GPA. Student may receive for a total of 8 consecutive fall/spring semesters (4 academic years).

The selection criteria for the awards vary significantly. Among the factors which may impact a student's eligibility are: major course of study, grade point average, SAT scores, class rank, athletic prowess, recommendations of professors and teachers, and in some cases, geographic area.

Merit Scholarships

East Stroudsburg University offers a variety of different Merit Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to full tuition including the following: International Merit Based Scholarships, and the Band Audition Scholarship.

  • PA Residents - Awards range from $1,000 - Full Tuition
    • Renewal Requirements - You can earn this scholarship every year by earning 30 credits per academic year with a qualifying GPA. Student may receive for a total of 8 consecutive fall/spring semesters (4 academic years).
  • Contiguous States - Awards range from $2,000 - Full Tuition
    • Renewal Requirements - You can earn this scholarship every year by earning 30 credits per academic year with a qualifying GPA. Student may receive for a total of 8 consecutive fall/spring semesters (4 academic years).
  • Out of State Residents - Awards range from $2,000 - $11,574
    • Renewal Requirements - You can earn this scholarship every year by earning 30 credits per academic year with a qualifying GPA. Student may receive for a total of 8 consecutive fall/spring semesters (4 academic years).

The Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Scholarship

The Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Scholarship recognizes and rewards qualified transfer undergraduate students for their academic achievement.

To be eligible for the PTK Scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Be offered admission to an undergraduate degree program at East Stroudsburg University.
  • Be a US citizen for undergraduate tuition purposes.
  • Provide evidence of PTK membership from their local community college chapter.
  • Transfer with a conferred associate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum 3.25 cumulative college grade point average on a 4.00 scale as presented on their official final college transcripts.

The PTK Scholarship awards qualified transfers students a $1,000 annual scholarship applied in equal parts to the fall and spring semesters, ($500 per fall and spring semester).

Cumulative College GPA Scholarship Award
3.25 – 4.00 $1,000 Annually

Students who receive The PTK Scholarship are also eligible to receive the Warrior Transfer Scholarship, provided the student meets eligibility criteria.

The PTK Scholarship is renewable for a total of 6 consecutive fall/spring semesters (3 academic years) of undergraduate study in a degree program offered at East Stroudsburg University.

Students must maintain full-time enrollment, earn twenty-four (24) credits each academic year (12 per fall and spring semesters), and maintain a minimum 3.00 cumulative ESU grade point average.

ESU Native American Scholarship

  1. Members of any tribe may receive a 50% tuition only scholarship for fall and spring semesters assuming they meet the below criteria:
    • Documented affiliation with a federally recognized Tribal Nation
    • Income first year cumulative high school GPA of 3.5
    • Transfer student cumulative transfer GPA of 3.0
    • Demonstrate Financial Need (student must complete the FAFSA at
    • The student must be a US Citizen or eligible non-citizen as determine by federal statute
  2. The scholarship may be used for up to:
    • Freshmen recipients: 4 full-time years (8 full-time semesters)
    • Transfer recipients: 3 full-time years (6 full-time semesters)

The student must complete 30 hours and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for the scholarship to be renewed for the next year.

Lenape Nation Tuition Adjustment

Members of the Lenape Nation displaced due to forced relocation will receive a tuition adjustment to grant the student in-state tuition status regardless of the state the student is currently residing in as long as they are recognized as being a member of the Lenape nation or one of its tribes (Lenape, Delaware, Minsi (AKA Munsee, etc.)

Students must provide:

  • Documented affiliation with the Lenape Tribal Nation
  • Student must be a US Citizen or eligible non-citizen as determined by federal statute (student may complete the FAFSA at or present documentation of citizenship status)

Athletic Scholarships

East Stroudsburg University offers several types of Athletic Scholarships sponsored by our foundation and our Athletic Training Program.

Foster Education Tuition Waiver Program

The Fostering Independent Through Education Tuition Waiver Program (FosterEd). This program provides tuition waivers to eligible youth who have been or are in foster care. The program is administered collaboratively by Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency in conjunction with PA Department of Education, Human Services, and Labor & Industry.

To Qualify:

  • File the FAFSA
  • Apply for and be eligible for the Chafee Education and Training Grant (Chafee ETG Program) due by March 31, 2025 for the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Submit your Chafee Application to:

    PA State Grant and Special Programs
    P.O. Box 8157
    Harrisburg PA 17105-8157

For more information about the FosterEd Waiver program or possible other resources available to you if you qualify for the FosterEd Program, please contact our school-appointed FosterEd Point of Contact:

Bailey Higgins
Case Manager
Health & Wellness
Sycamore Suites, Lower Level 041

Grow Pennsylvania (PA Act 89 of 2024)

Pennsylvania Students: Grow Pennsylvania Scholarship Grant Program

The Grow Pennsylvania Scholarship Grant Program, administered by PHEAA, provides a $5,000 scholarship grant to Pennsylvania students who pursue an approved course of study, satisfy degree requirements of their program, and stay to work in Pennsylvania in an in-demand occupation after graduation.

For each year a student in an approved course of study receives an award, the student must work for 12 months in Pennsylvania in an in-demand occupation. If a student accepts a grant but fails to meet the terms of the agreement, the student is required to reimburse PHEAA.

Out of State Students: Grow Pennsylvania Merit Scholarship Program

The Grow Pennsylvania Merit Scholarship Program, administered by PHEAA in conjunction with Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education, allows eligible non-resident PASSHE students pursuing in-demand occupations to pay tuition at in-state rates rather than out-of-state rates.

A Grow PA Merit Scholarship Program recipient is required to live and work in Pennsylvania for 12 months of each academic year for which the student received a merit scholarship unless PHEAA determines that there are extenuating circumstances, or the scholarship (the differential between tuition for a resident and nonresident student) will convert to a loan.

Questions about Grow PA

What is an approved course of study?
A program offered by an institution that provides instruction in agriculture, computer science, business, education, special education, STEM education, engineering, nursing, allied health, criminal justice or other programs aligned to in-demand occupations approved by PHEAA.
What is an in-demand occupation?
A job that is in demand by employers in Pennsylvania that requires a high level of skill and is likely to provide family-sustaining wages.
When will this be available?
Stay tuned for more information from Pennsylvania’s Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) on these exciting new scholarships coming soon.

External Scholarships

There are many public and private scholarships available to college students. Scholarships are awarded for a variety of reasons including academic achievement, financial need, campus and community involvement, and leadership experience. These scholarships do not need to be repaid. When applying to external scholarships, avoid scholarship fraud by ensuring the scholarships are from a source you trust. Some local searches may include, student or parent employers, student high schools, foundations, religious or community organizations, local businesses, or civic groups. For more information on scholarships, please visit Federal Student Aid or contact our Financial Aid Department at

Below is a list of external scholarship resource links that can help students get a jump start on their search.

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions about Financial Aid. ESU's Title IV Code is 003320.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall 110
(570) 422-2800
(570) 422-2850 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Director Financial Aid
Leo Hertling
(570) 422-2828