General Questions

What is Virtual EMS & Why Should I Use it?

Virtual EMS is the new campus scheduling software that will includes most spaces on campus. It facilitates coordination of the many vital campus services like dining, catering, AV support, and set-ups for event programming. In many cases Virtual EMS is your most effective means to making a reservation request.

What is Master Calendar?

Master Calendar will be the campus event promotion calendar. This is where you can find all the information about event going on during the school year.

What is the different between Virtual EMS and Master Calendar?

Virtual EMS is the scheduling and reservation software for the ESU Campus. It allows you to request space, services and see what is available.

Master Calendar is the event promotion calendar where many events taking place will be advertised. When you put a request into Virtual EMS - if it meets certain criteria it will be pushed and published to Master Calendar for the community to see.

What browsers are compatible with Virtual EMS?

Internet Explorer 7.0- 11.0, Firefox,Google Chrome, and Safari

Does Virtual EMS work the same for Faculty, Staff and Students?

Yes, with the new Event Management System faculty, staff, and students can go online at any time and reserve a space.

What is my User ID?
  • Faculty/Staff: ESU User ID and you ESS/State System Password
  • Students: ESU User ID and Password
Why was I logged out of the system?

If you are inactive in Virtual EMS for 30 minutes you will be logged out of the system.

Facility Questions

How can I see what a room looks like?

Under “Browse & Search” click on Room Set Up and Capacities – you can click on individual rooms and scroll down to see photos of the rooms.

Am I able to view/search on room capacity/type?

Yes, when looking for available space you can click on Browse and Search on the menu bar and click on Setup Types and Capacity – sort by room then click on filter and select your criteria.

A space appears available under "browse" yet it cannot be requested when attempting to schedule it. Why?

There may be a scheduling policy in the specific building that prevents scheduling the space or the room is specialized and not available for general use. Some buildings are not available on weekends, holidays, or evenings.

Examples of constraints include but are not limited to: Multipurpose Spaces require 7 business days advanced to schedule.

Are there any rooms that cannot be reserved through Virtual EMS?

Yes – there are currently a small number of rooms that may not be reserved through VEMS. All the rooms available in Virtual EMS are listed below (under Which reservation template do I use?). If you do not see a location listed there it is not currently available via VEMS. If you are interested in a space not reserved through EMS – please contact Conference Services who will assist you in attempting to schedule the location.

Scheduling Questions

How far in advance can rooms be scheduled?

Classrooms for events may be scheduled per academic semester. Multipurpose Spaces can be scheduled 365 days in advance

What is considered the academic year?

The first day of fall classes through the last day of the summer semester the next year.

When can I submit a request for the new academic year?

Students/Student Groups
For Fall Semester: August 1st of the Current Year
For Spring Semester: Finals Week of Fall Semester

August 1st of the Current Year for reservations in the following fall/spring/summer semesters

How long will it take to hear back about my request?

You should hear back within 48 hours regarding your request.

What is room usage limit?

Meetings may only be reserved for 2 hours including the unlock time for the room.

What are cancellation policies?

Events should be canceled 24 hours in advance in order to avoid unnecessary room set ups by our Facilities staff. Anyone who repeatedly cancel reservations or fails to inform the responsible scheduler of a cancel event may be restricted from making reservations in the future.

How do you handle last minute changes?

Please contact the specific scheduler for any last minute changes however there is no cannot guarantee these changes can be accommodate/made.

What is the small blue bar attached to certain events?

This is “buffer” time and prevents events from taking place back to back without the scheduler’s permission. The most common place to see these bars is on multipurpose locations where there is a required 2-hour break between events to give any service providers (labor crew, custodial, catering, etc) time to get in re-set the room for the following event.

This time can be adjusted on a case by case basis.

Reservation Questions

How do I submit a reservation request?

Login to Virtual EMS and select the Reservation tab (located on the menu bar). Select the template that applies based on the location you are looking to reserve and click on it. Once you select the template please read the information in the window on the right to make sure you selected the correct one. If you are satisfied that you selected the correct template proceed to the When and Where area on the left to enter data into the request criteria.

  1. Step 1- When & Were
    1. In the When and Where section located on the left of the screen, enter or click on the calendar icon to select one date, or range (recurrence) of dates for our event.
    2. In the Time section, enter the Start Time and End Time in the blank fields or select the dates using the calendar icons to the right of the fields.
    3. Select the Facilities (location) you wish to use (or select ALL to see everything available for your requested time)
    4. In the Setup Information section, enter your event’s expected Attendance Number.
      1. If you are having an event over a long period of time and expect attendance to fluctuate – please use an average attendance number based on Hours/Expected Attendance. Example: Six Hour Event with an expected attendance of 350 people would be an expected attendance of 60/hour.
    5. From the dropdown list, select a Setup Type.
    6. Please use the list to the right to narrow down your room choices. A room will only appear if you select the set up types available in that room.
    7. Click Find Space. A listing of available locations will appear in the Availability section on the right side of the screen. If room options don’t appear, “no room” is available based on the information you entered. You can modify your criteria from this location.
  2. Step 2- Location
    1. After clicking Find Space (see Step 1 above), the Location tab displays the rooms in the Availability section. You can click to show results as a list or a grid.
    2. Click on the room name to view building details, room details, setup types, and features.
    3. Choose a location by clicking the +, left of the room you wish to request.
    4. Your choice will be displayed in the Selected Location. To remove a location, click the red X to the left of the space.
    5. When complete, click the Details tab.
  3. Step 3- Details
    1. After clicking the Details tab you will need to add specific information to your room request (this is the actual application which is reviewed by the room scheduler)
    2. Complete the necessary information. Required information is included by a red asterisk *.
    3. Click Submit Reservation when complete.
Which reservation template do I use?

The reservation template you will pick depends on the room you are looking for!

Classrooms: This template includes all classrooms [does not include lecture halls, computer labs or conference rooms] in Stroud, Monroe, Sci-Tech, Zimbar, Koehler, DeNike, and Fine Arts. Promotional Spaces: Looking to hold a fundraiser or hand out flyers? This is the template for you! It includes: Danbury Lobby, Koehler Lobby, Sci Tech Lobby, Stroud Lobby, University Center Foyer, University Center Booths 1 – 4, Courtyard.

Athletic and Outdoor Spaces: This template is for any Athletic facility or outdoor location – (Club Sports: please do not use this form). Included Spaces: College Circle, Main/Shawnee Quad, Linden Quad, Koehler/Side Quad, Outdoor Basketball Courts, Sand Volleyball Courts, Pavilion, Koehler Short Court, Koehler Main Court, Koehler Tennis Court, Koehler Indoor Track, Koehler Weight Rooms, Pool, Eiler Martin Field, Eiler Martin Track, Mitering Baseball Field, Zimbar Softball Field, Whitenight Field, Woebler Tennis Court, Rugby Field, Smith St Fields and Zimbar Gym.

Multipurpose Spaces and Lecture Halls: Need a lecture hall or multipurpose space to hold a larger event? Use this template to request – Abeloff, Beers, Stroud 113, Stroud 117, Niedbala Auditorium (Sci Tech 117 – includes Sci Tech Reception] Monroe B01, Cohen Recital Hall, Smith-McFarland Theater, Dale Snow Theater, Madelyon Power Gallery, Lower Dansbury, Innovation Center 333, Innovation Center 334, Innovation Center 336.

Computer Labs and Conference Rooms: Having a small meeting or need a computer lab? Select this form: [Conference Rooms] DeNike 113, Monroe 119, Monroe B13, Innovation Center 113, Stroud 319, Stroud 416 - [Computer Labs] Sci tech 138, Sci Tech 145, Sci tech 352, Sci tech 355, Sci Tech 356, Innovation Center 54, DeNike 228, Stroud 314 and Zimbar 237.

University Center and Keystone Room: This form includes all University Center Rooms (please note – promotional spaces are found under the Promotional Spaces form] and the Keystone Room. These rooms are: UC 205, UC 206A, UC 206B, UC 206AB, UC 206C, UC 213, UC: Gathering Lounge, UC: Reception Center, UC: Senate Chambers.

What is a "first available booking violation"?

This violation occurs when you try to book a room too close to the event date.

For Classrooms and Meeting Spaces, Computer Labs and Conference Rooms, Promotional Spaces, Fields and Outdoor Spaces reservations need to be made at least 24 hours in advance.

Multipurpose Rooms and Lecture Halls need to be reserved at least 5 business days in advance.

How do I schedule a recurring meeting?

After you select the type of reservation that you are trying to make under the reservations tab, you will be brought to a room search page, Click “recurrence”. This will open up a new panel with information for you to complete. This panel allows you to select what kind of recurrence you want and how long you want it to last. Click “Apply Recurrence” when you have filled out the proper information, and complete the rest of your reservation.

How do I determine who will attend my event or what does “Audience” mean?

This question will help push events to the Master Calendar for Campus Events and it is important you think about your response to it. Who is your intended event audience?

Open to the Public: Anyone can attend these events– whether community or campus member. All event marked with this will be pushed to the Community Calendar.

Campus Community: Events that are only for people on campus (meaning Faculty, Staff or Students) and community members are not encouraged to attend.

Example of these events: One Book, One Campus Lectures, Open Campus Forums, University Meetings, etc.

Faculty/Staff Only: These events are neither open to the public nor available to students. Examples: Committee meetings, Union Meetings, College meetings, etc.

Students Only: These are events where the intended audience is mainly students (it is alright for Faculty/Staff/Community to attend but they are not the intended audience). Examples: BALANCE Workshops, Student Group meetings, MySuccessSeries Lectures, etc.

Invitation Only: This is an event that is only open to someone who has an invitation.

Services Questions

What are services?

Information forthcoming

Who places work orders for events?

Information forthcoming

What are the Labor Crew hours?

The Labor Crew works from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm/ 7 Days a week. This means that any events taking place after 3:00 pm must be set up before the Labor Crew leaves for the day.

What are AV support hours?

The AV Crew is here M- W from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Advertising on the Calendar

How does my event get to the Master Calendar?

Events are pushed to master calendar from EMS and the calendar manager then reviews the information and determines if there is sufficient information to be published. If there is not enough information then the calendar manager will contact the requesters for more information.

What information is required to be advertise on the calendar?

Event Description Requirements

  • Who should attend the event,
  • What the event is for/about
  • How the information/event will take place (lecture, performance, reception, etc.).
  • Briefly summarize who will be speaking/performing and what they will be talking about or doing
  • A description should be no less than two sentences for internal events or a minimum of sixty words for events open to the public detailing the information of who, what and how
Can I add a image to my calendar listing?

Absolutely! Images are highly encouraged for all events but are required for any event open to the public. Images should reflect the event that is being submitted. Idea for images include: Portraits of speakers, photos from past year's events or print-quality posters, screen shots of films or a poster/DVD cover for screenings, and scenes, settings or objects related to the event.

Do not attach images that may be considered offensive, inappropriate or in violation of applicable copyright laws.

Image specifications:

Maximum file size: 2MB
Acceptable image and document file types include: .pdf, .doc, .xls, .jpg, .gif, and .png. jpg (.jpeg) is preferred

Contact Us

For additional questions/problems using the room reservation system, please contact the Office of Conference Services - (570) 422-3061.

Contact Information

Campus Address
University Center, 2nd floor
(570) 422-3767
Title of Department Leader
Event Manager
Conference Services