An Exclusive Experience for 1st Year and Transfer Students

ESU is excited to prepare you for your academic and campus life experience! Starting now, you can exploring the many services and programs that ESU has to offer.

The culminating event prior to the start of Fall semester classes is the Warrior Induction Weekend: August 23 to 25, 2024.

A brief over of the weekend is below with the detailed schedule to be posted & accessible in mid-July.

Line It Up!

August is right around the corner, and now is time to gear up and be prepared for the start of Fall semester!

Things you can do NOW before coming to campus!

Warrior Induction is a two-part process. Start now by exploring the many services and programs that ESU has to offer. Spend time learning about:

  • Desire2Learn (D2L) is ESU’s course management program. D2L will help you connect to course resources and interact with other Warriors and your faculty.
  • WarriorFish will help you set up appointments and connect you to supportive resources.
  • Way of the Warrior embodies a set of principles and values that Warriors should embrace and exemplify.
  • Campus Life helps you get connected to people, experiences, and resources.

Your induction culminates with the start of the fall semester: Warrior Induction Weekend

During Warrior Induction Weekend, you will

Meet Your:

  • Peer Mentor, an upper-class student who will help you through your entire fall semester. They will connect you to resources, answer your questions, and orient you to the campus and off-campus community.
  • Classmates, administration, faculty, and staff who will be on campus to support your journey to graduation!

Learn about:

  • Making positive choices through the lens of health and wellness (Consent, Abstinence, Alcohol, & Medical Amnesty)
  • Developing awareness and celebrating identity of self and others
  • Taking ownership of your collegiate experience: Connect with ways to be in the know and get involved to make lasting memories.
  • Commuter connections, services, and special accommodations.
  • University support services and web tools that will support them academically throughout the year
  • Expectations of Warriors in our community: expectations, ethos, campus awareness, and acknowledging shock

Important Links to Gear up for the Semester

For assistance or special accommodations, please contact or (570) 422-3291. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to, services for physical, cognitive, visual or auditory assistance.

Contact Us

We are here to answer your questions! Email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Contact Information

Campus Address
200 Prospect Street
Title of Department Leader
Executive Director
Joe Akob